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Supporting futures for dogs

Kent Show  2017

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CanicrossingCross country running with your canine companion, for anyone who loves running, who loves their dogs and who wants to enjoy the best of both worlds.


The human wears a waist belt and is attached, via a bungy line, to a special harness worn by the dog.  Care should be taken that the harness is designed for canicrossing and allows the dog to pull comfortably with freedom of movement.  Some harnesses can actually prevent the dog from pulling.


The sport is suitable for everybody, male and female, young and old, fit and not so fit and for all breeds of dog although care should be taken with the shorter nosed breeds that may have breathing difficulties, please consult with your vet to ensure that your dog is fit enough.  He should be at least a year old and, as with human runners, the distance and speed increased gradually.


The dogs welfare must always be a priority and the temperature and trail surface considered before each run, be prepared to carry sufficient water for your dog, particularly during the warmer months and make a habit to check their paws after each outing.


To avoid bloat it is important not to feed dogs within 1 - 2 hours before and after running other than a small treat at the end to reward their hard work. Allow your dog to cool down by walking at the end or around the carpark for a few minutes and offer him a post run drink.


Above all have fun and enjoy the many benefits of running with man's best friend.





Kent Canicross at Lullingstone parkrun November 2015


Kent canicross representative Crufts 2016 Nikki Randles and Fenix

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